community practitioner academy foundation course

Grant Writing for
Community Practitioners

Did you draw the short straw and end up as your organisation's grant writer?

Do grant applications keep you up at night?

Let's make this easier.  In Grant Writing for Community Practitioners you will save time, money (and your stress levels) in 12 easy lessons as you learn how to:

  • Find funding opportunities
  • Put together a time saving grant toolkit
  • Assess your eligibility for grants
  • Write and share a grant concept
  • Build a network of stakeholders to support you
  • Write effective grant applications and
  • Follow up to enhance your success rate
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Simple content

No jargon, no big ideas just easy to follow written and video content for you and your board and committee can follow.
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Live support

Our online learning community is always there to support you.  You ask and we answer. How's that for confidence !
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Video content

The course is delivered using both text and video. The videos can be watched on a computer or other device making your course portable.
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No exams

We want you to learn as much as possible so you can get back to what you love doing the most. So no.  No exams.

Course content includes:

  • The role and purpose of grants
  • Your stakeholder map
  • Finding funding opportunities
  • Your grant writing toolkit
  • Opportunity analysis - is this the right opportunity for you?
  • Gathering evidence and data
  • Building a grant concept
  • Writing the grant
  • How to address funding criteria
  • Gathering letters of support
  • Raising awareness

Ready to save time?

I'm Kerry Grace founder of the Community Practitioner Academy. I've been working in and alongside not for profits and community groups for most of my life.

I've held a range of positions from CEO of a regional development organisation to service manager of an Aboriginal Corporation, Project Officer, Board member and volunteer.

It's time to share my skills with you.

Why? Because I know your resources are limited and your community's needs are great.  I know you care about your community and it's my mission to take away the administrative burden by sharing skills to save you time, money and your stress levels. 

Don't be fooled by the corporate look on the right - I'm a regional Australian and I like plain language. (sorry not sorry about getting straight to the point).
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